What is an Ethereal?

An Ethereal is a being from the ethereal plain more generally referred to as fairies by the humans ( at lest the celts) on this plain. You know those people with the butterfly or dragonfly wings that seem to radiate light from their bodies? Like ( and I really really really hate to say this ) Tinkerbell.

I know, I've all ready stated upfront on my main page that Ethereal being are made up of pure energy and are non-incarnate being that have no natural physical bodies so right about now your probably getting really confused as to how it is that we are pure energy and those people with the butterfly/dragonfly wings? That is what I'm going to take the time to explain right now.

For you to understand this I really have to explain to you the nature of the ethereal plain just a bit. If you are familiar with quantum physics you know that there is a complex equation (the quantum equation) that contains numerous variables. Change a variable hear and there and you change the specific laws of physics for a particular universe. Things like mater to energy ratios, and how energy and mater behave. There are a vast number of differences between individual variables should you compare the Ethereal and physical (here) plains with each other. More then between here and the astral ( I would actually say the astral is sorta a half and half type of place ). Almost nothing works the same way here as it does there. In the Ethereal plane energy has several of the same characteristics as mater does here. It has several different levels of density that it occurs in naturally. These range from the very loose density of energy every one here is familiar with ( electrical current, the EM spectrum ) to a fairly dense plasma sort of energy. While humans ( and probably most otherkin ) think that the Ethereal is this being emanating this light the actual reality is that the light is actually part of the being not simply something the radiates from them. If you pause to think about ti you would have realized that on your own, after all, if we were radiating the light it would spread out from us and our wings an equal distance, creating a light haze with the same shape that shifted and moved with us. Instead our wings typically extend to the edge (or nearly to the edge) of the sphere and we seem to move about inside the globe of light which never changes shape, though it shifts colors now and again. ( That color shift is all that people perceive of our language ).

When two ethereals have enough energy to blend together for a new ethereal and have decided to have a child together they come together and extend tendrils of their energy out to each other these tendrils intertwine and fuse together. Both individuals send equal amounts energy along this circuit as it feeds into the junction point were the new being starts to form. This is a slow process that is extremely intimate and very intense (it can take ten or more years by human standards) . The energy pools together into a ball, initially it is nothing more then a blending and swirling of the two parents energy fields but as this process comes to an ending point the energy does a remarkable transformation. It changes color independently of the parents. It individualizes, becomes its own self - becomes an infant ethereal. At this point the making process is over. One or more parent can detach from the infant any time they wish though the infant is still slightly dependent on the parents to "feed" it. Generally during the infancy at lest one parent is attached to the infant at all times. This is a short lived time lasting about five years. Then an Ethereal enters its toddler period. During this time they are still just a plain ball of light but their energy has become self supporting. It is at this point that they are most vulnerable. Even though their parents are still watching over them closely and teaching them energy feeders can easily tap into them at this stage because they have not yet developed individual defenses. If something starts to feed of them they will be devoured at this stage because they can no longer get sustaining energy from their parents but have not yet gained the strength to counter even a slight external energy drain. As the ethereal grow and becomes stronger in its own right its energies start to condense within it. This is the adolescent stage. At this point the denser energies have no real form. Its just an area of thicker energy that sends of an occasional tendril. The thinner and thicker energies are still fairly mixed together as well and an ethereal can stay like that for some time. The Ethereal equivalent of puberty is the next stage. After some time as an adolescent the denser energies start to gather tightly together taking on a stable form. Once the form is established it is set. An Ethereal has no more control over what their final dense energy form is then a human adolescent has for choosing how they end up looking after puberty. actually we have less say in this because humans have found ways to permanently change their forms and we haven't, even if we are masters of illusion and can temporarily adjust how we look. After we have our winged interior energy form set we are essentially adults (though most other species tend to have the view that we lack certain maturity).