


Positions of Planets at Birth:
Sun       position is 24 deg. 50 min. of Cap
Moon      position is 23 deg. 32 min. of Leo
Mercury   position is  3 deg. 13 min. of Cap
Venus     position is 26 deg. 54 min. of Cap
Mars      position is 21 deg. 58 min. of Aqu
Jupiter   position is 25 deg. 19 min. of Aqu
Saturn    position is 14 deg. 20 min. of Ari
Uranus    position is  7 deg. 55 min. of Aqu
Neptune   position is 29 deg. 28 min. of Cap

Pluto     position is  7 deg. 13 min. of Sag

Section 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

    You are a natural diplomat, reasonable, tolerant, fair,
always willing to listen to varying viewpoints, and ready to see
the other side of an issue. Even if you strongly disagree with
someone, you will try to find points of similarity and agreement
rather than emphasizing the differences. You often avoid taking
an extreme or one-sided stance on anything. You have a strong
desire for harmonious and pleasant relationships, and express a
spirit of cooperation, compromise, friendship, and fairness. You
very much want to be liked and because of your need for approval
and acceptance, you are easily influenced by others' opinions,
especially when young. You so much want to please that often you
will suppress your own intense or unpleasant feelings in order
not to offend others. Sometimes your politeness is interpreted
as phoniness or wishy-washiness.

    Your need to create harmony extends to your physical
environment and personal appearance as well. You appreciate
beauty and have a natural sense of balance, symmetry, and
proportion. You do everything in good taste, with a sense of
style and art. From your home furnishings to your choice of
clothing, everything must be aesthetically appealing, not simply
functional or utilitarian.

    You also feel that relationships are an art, one that
especially interests you and one that you are usually quite
skilled at, for you possess tact and acute awareness of other
people. Marriage is very significant to you and finding the
right person to share your life with is extremely important.
Being part of a close couple seems natural to you - you are not
an independent loner. Having a partner increases your
self-confidence. You do have a tendency, however, to become
overly dependent on your partner and perhaps not to develop a
clearly defined identity outside of the relationship. Finding
the balance between being yourself and blending and uniting with
another is a challenge for you.

    Others see you as an agreeable, smooth, harmonious, and
"nice" person. Though there may be much more to you, this is the
sort of face you show to the world. You possess personal charm
and an understated, noncombative manner. Your motto could be
"you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" for you
usually take a friendly, cooperative approach rather than a
strong, forceful, I'm-going-to-conquer-the-world attitude.

Section 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

    Serious, disciplined, and quietly ambitious, you are driven
to prove yourself and to achieve material accomplishments and
success. Your work, your position in the world, and your
contributions to society are very important to you. You will
persevere through enormous hardship and frustration in order to
reach a goal you have set for yourself, and you often sacrifice
much in the area of personal relationships and home life in
order to do so.

    You have a thoughtful, quiet, and self-contained disposition
and do not readily show your inner feelings and needs. You seem
to be always in control, capable, efficient, and strong. You are
often the person in the family or group who is given more
responsibility (and more work) than the others. You are highly
conscientious and even as a child you possessed a maturity,
soberness, and worldly wisdom that was most unchildlike.

    You are basically a pragmatic realist, and though you may
have all sorts of dreams, ideals and colorful theories, you feel
that the ultimate test of a concept is its practical usefulness.
You have an innate shrewdness and business sense, and there is a
bit of the cynic in you as well.

    You are clear-headed, detached and objective, and are not
swayed by emotional dramatics. Often you are authoritarian
-strictly fair, but without mercy. You have a great respect for
tradition and even if you do not agree with certain laws, you
will abide by them or work to change them, but never flagrantly
disregard them. Careful and conservative, you play by the rules.

    You are subtle, understated, quiet, deep, not easy to know
intimately, and never superficial. You are a modest person and
sometimes overly self-critical. Giving yourself (and others)
permission to feel, to play, to be spontaneous and silly, and to
be weak and vulnerable sometimes, isn't easy for you.

    Your strong points are your depth and thoroughness,
patience, tenacity, and faithfulness. Your faults are a tendency
to be rigid and inflexible, and too serious.